Today I am hateful and angry. I mean really hateful and really angry! I thought I was past that now, but it keeps rearing its ugly head. I'm at the zoo. Its a gorgeous day, so we're not the only ones. And not that I begrudge all of these ladies with their tiny babies, and not that I hate the pregnant bellies that waddle by me. Its just that I should be close to 6 months along now. I should be waddling. I should have another toddler running ahead with his big sister to get a good look at the new baby elephant here at the zoo. I think its wearing me down again. For a time I was hopeful for another baby, because surely I wouldn't lose another... Lately I am keenly aware of how empty those hopes are. It leaves me feeling empty, hopeless and saddened on a whole new level. Fighting a fight I have no hope of ever winning. Trying to find contentment in a life with such missing pieces, when all I want to do is pound my fist against the walls that keep me from getting to the other side. And I hate it. I hate what has happened to us, and I hate what it has done to us. I hate that its everywhere I go, in everything I do and in everything I see. And its so hard not to feel like I deserved better, that my daughter and my husband deserved better. That it isn't fair for us to have to live in this shadow. And there are so often times when I feel like throwing my self on the ground, kicking and screaming and crying. Throwing a temper tantrum in the style that my daughter so often does. Because it isn't fair, and I want to scream "NO!" too!
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Celebrating Pregnancy Again - a Book
Celebrating Pregnancy Again - a Book
This is a link to a new book about pregnancy after a loss. The book is
about her personal journey. It is available f...
12 years ago
I'm sorry that today is so hard for you. I know what you mean about empty hope. It's odd that after the loss of one baby, you can still be hopeful, but after two, hope just kind of goes away.
I'll be sending good thoughts your way and I hope (no pun intended) today starts to get a little easier for you as it continues.
Oh, honey! I am so, so sorry! It has been awhile since I've visited your blog and I just wish I could hug you!
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