My 32nd birthday is on Wednesday. I don't want a birthday. I don't want to celebrate anything. I don't want the phone calls, the good wishes. I don't want to get older. I don't want my eggs to get older, since they're obviously feeling kind of old as it is. I want to turn time back and not have it march on.
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Celebrating Pregnancy Again - a Book
Celebrating Pregnancy Again - a Book
This is a link to a new book about pregnancy after a loss. The book is
about her personal journey. It is available f...
12 years ago
My first birthday after Gabe's death was very hard indeed.
Sending hugs.
birthdays. ugh. ((hugs))
Heather... I hear you. We are so in that "don't want to celebrate, party, etc. mode" too. I just used the 'excuse' of my birthday for a quiet date with my husband. We needed it.
I hope you share some peace on Wednesday, however you spend it.
I just wanted to offer you a very poor virtual hug. And if it isn't too weird - I'd like to welcome you to the DS community. I hope the Afghan stays as a special part of Logan's memory and of your family's life. You and your family and your precious Logan will be in my prayers. Take care
No one can blame you. As long as you have the important people around you, it will still be a special day. Keeping you in my prayers.
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